Second Foster Family
Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes, the hospital. Well, as you couldn't come home with me, you had to go immediately to a foster family. I did come to see you every week at the first foster home because it wasn't too far away from Slough and I could take the bus there. I missed you, darling. It really did break my heart to have to part with you so quickly, but you seemed to be doing quite well at the first people's home. After about six weeks, you then went off to a second foster family. This family was much further away and I couldn't get to see your for at least three months. I can't remember where it was now, but the social worker eventually took me in her car to see you. I remember I was really concerned about you, because you didn't seem to be doing so well at this particular family's home, and the woman looking after you didn't seem too fond of you either.