Neil did know I was engaged to Johnny. I never lied to him, but it didn't seem to stop either me from having sex with him. I didn't think a small fling would hurt. After all, how could I be sure that Johnny wasn't sleeping with girls in Australia. What's good for the goose has to be good for the gander too. Anyway, Neil was kind to me. I had hoped that something might develop with him, but soon realised we could never have been a serious item. He was rubbish in bed. Neil was also too serious for me. So, I just had a bit of fun with him and then the romance fizzled out shortly before Johnny came back to England. Neil had started seeing some other girl at the factory. Margaret, I think her name was. She worked on the reception desk, so she was more in his league. I was just a lowly factory girl, slogging away on the assembly line. God, that was a backbreaking job.